The St. James 18 Navy

team objective

The U18 Navy team is an Open/National level team competing at the highest-level tournaments in the East Coast. The team will participate in the  Mid-Atlantic Power League, Atlantic Coast Power League, NEQ, and either USAV Nationals or AAU Nationals.

team photo

season dues

practice schedule

High Performance

Performance Training provides a challenging environment where athletes learn how to absorb and distribute force in multiple positions and directions. Maintaining a focus on proper movement, we gradually progress the development of body position, rhythm, strength, and power. This is done through progressions of holds, plyometrics, and strength/power based movements. Throughout these progressions we add elements of reaction and decision making.  Our goal is to develop athletes holistically. This allows us to bridge the gaps between perception, cognition, and physical ability.

practice location

tournament schedule

**Tournament selection and schedule is subject to change.

Tournament schedule is tentative. Changes may occur depending on team availability, tournament entry, and team’s level of play. Team may add tournaments if agreed to by parents/coaches at an additional fee. Travel tournaments do not include lodging. Players stay in rooms with their parents.

Each girls team will compete in CHRVA Bid Regionals if they qualify. If not, they will compete in CHRVA Non-Bid Regionals.

Practices begin November 11th. Season runs through last scheduled tournament.


# First Name Last Name Position
1 Isabella Floyd S/OPP
2 Renee Jenkins L
3 Rihanna Myers OH/MB
4 Alahna Michaelides OH/MB
7 Sharon Philip L
8 Kaniece Wright OPP/OH
9 Marta Borgetto MB
10 Malia Lei-Sam OH/L
12 Bryli Jackson MB
13 Lauren Kim L
14 April Gabrielle Ong S
23 Gabrielle (Gabi) Jordan S/OPP
